Check out these trends for 2017 in labeling and packaging. We predict that they will all to continue to grow in 2018, so take note as you plan for your next product launch. Here are the top 5 trends for 2017 which once wowed us.

5. Moving On From Minimalism

Minimalism had a long run as a trendy design technique. While it still is a popular choice, we’re seeing more complex labels come back into most product designs. As you can see below by Riveridge’s new cider launch, the labels offer enough color, graphics, and information without going overboard. It’s smarter design.

Riveridge Cider Labels by Great Lakes Label4. E-Commerce Considerations

As e-commerce grows, so do concerns about sustainability. It’s important to find ways to satisfy the customer and limit the global impact. Packaging and labeling design weigh heavily in this process. In the coming year, we will see how brands eliminate unnecessary packaging and use sustainable materials to create a fulfilling experience all around.

Labeling 101 Resource Center blog button Great Lakes Label - high quality

3. Sustainability & Eco-Friendly Packaging

Below is the Chateau Moya Bordeaux labeled printed on 30% recycled content stock. It’s a sustainable alternative to wine stock and offers the same luxurious quality. We’ve also seen the development of sustainable packaging materials such as ones made from milk and mushrooms.

moya wine label - wine traders - great lakes label 2017

2. Smart Labeling & Technology Innovations in 2017

There has been a significant rise in the use of QR Codes, RFID (radio frequency identification, and NFC (near field communication). This trend developed as customer oriented principles developed. This means, that packaging is including functions that help the customer after they bring the product home. This includes links to helpful videos, apps, or blog content. Even hashtags link the brand’s community together on social media and makes it easier than ever to participate in contests.

1. Luxury & Hand Crafted Labels Use Innovative Labeling Techniques

As seen in our before and after techniques blog, making your label stand out is important. It not only provides a luxury look but depending on how it’s used, can imply the product is handcrafted as well. Take a look at the below labels. All of them use stunning design and incredible techniques, but they also look like the wine was made with care.  It all goes back to providing the customer with an experience like no other.



Wine Traders' Labels - Moya Bordeaux, Gaby, Gaby Cuvee, DuPark 2017

Check out Label Gator’s 5 Best Horticulture Trends of 2017.


Learn about how innovative labeling techniques can bring your spooky design to life! Download our e-book, The Complete Guide to Innovative Labeling Techniques.

Great Lakes Label Innovative Labeling Techniques E-Book Download

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