Learn about ALTech’s AC02 label applicator system and how it also fits into your production line.

ALTech's S With AC02 Applicator Spotlight

The ALTech S with AC02 Applicator labeler is a fill, seal machine to apply labels onto bags.  In this case, the label is also used as a re-sealable closure for the bag.  The label head is mounted on a slide for easy servicing.

The package uses a special pressure sensitive, closure label to help re-close the bag once it has been opened. The application is made directly to the film behind the former tube of vertical form fill and seal machines in order to grant a reliable, consistent labeling result.


Example of ALTech's AC02 labeling system capabilities

ALTech’s AC02 In Your Line


The label is blown onto the film so it can be applied while the film is moving. The labeling heads are electronically connected to the VFFS machines for receiving the start signal for labeling and for integrating the low roll sensor alarm to stop the machine in case of a low roll or broken web. Both heads are equipped with FR15 sliding units which allow them to be extracted from packaging machine to enable easy change label rolls.


Are you interested in learning more about what Great Lakes Label’s products? Download our comprehensive label production and design guide.

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