While fragrance containers come in intricate, bold designs, the labels themselves can be just as eye-catching. These are some fragrance designs that will take sophistication to the next level.


La Libellule Perfume

La Libellule Perfume


La Libellule Perfume Packaging Design By Marta Chodorowska

The simplicity of this label is key. The brand is the only aspect to the design of the label. This minimalism ultimately creates a sophisticated look and it also draws the attention toward the unique bow feature. What is particularly helpful about this design is that it can be easily replicated for other scents in this line. With French inspiration, this classic look is key.


Gran Hotel Fragrance Label

Gran Hotel Fragrance Label


Gran Hotel Fragrance Label & Packaging Design by Pedro Almeida

Similar to the first example, this label primarily features the brand logo. Almeida states, “They are basic toiletries, light versions of exquisite essences, that will carry you to a glamorous and sophisticated holiday destination, with vintage air. The fragrances are chic and casual, the elegance of simplicity, luxury in it’s lightweight and informal style.” The minimalistic packaging concept does just that. The packaging of the boxes are also a great way to add flare to the product while keeping the bottle itself looking elegant.


Body Shop Scent Redesign

Body Shop Scent Redesign


Body Shop Scent Label & Packaging Redesign By Christina Button

Unlike the previous examples, this fragrance label utilizes heavy pattern. Each graphic inside the design represents a scent used in the perfume. The ergonomic shape of the bottle makes for easy holding as well. The glass container makes it easier to recycle, a feature that would be on brand with The Body Shop. Not only does this label make you lean in for a closer look, the packaging provides you with yet another reason to take it home.


Are you interested in learning more about how our labeling solutions can increase sales? Download The Complete Guide to Innovative Labeling Techniques.

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