Pantone’s color of the year, Greenery, is setting the tone for 2017 being a horticultural inspired year. That is why we’re taking a look at innovative horticulture labels. See how you can implement a dynamic style for your own hort labels.


 sow.pharm seed packaging Designed By Zach Pater

sow.pharm Designed By Zach Pater

sow.pharm Designed By Zach Pater

With so much discussion of nutritional labeling, customers are seeking natural alternatives. This concept brilliantly pairs organic food with health in a unique way. Not only is the medicine bottle style of packaging groundbreaking, but the color uses the trending Greenery.


Spice Palette Label Design By Risa Takeuchi

Spice Palette By Risa Takeuchi

Spice Palette Label Design By Risa Takeuchi

The product and packaging concept is effective, but the labels at the top of the package pull it all together. The muted, yet bold color choices match the product in each bubble and the minimalism style allows the product to stand out even further. The soft watermark of the herb is also an effective way to make the label clear, and aesthetically pleasing.


Grow Your Own Horticulture Labels Designed By Matt Davey

Grow Your Own By Matt Davey

Grow Your Own Horticulture Labels Designed By Matt Davey

Going back to the beginning of this blog, growing your own food is becoming more and more appealing to customers. This pot and oversized label make it easy for people to quickly understand how to take care of their new plant. The front, which includes a large, bold close-up of the product, makes a statement. On the back, you follow the graphics of the growing plant to get more information on care instructions. The fact that the image of the corn and tomato is the only source of color further emphasizes how effortlessly effective the design concept is.


Are you interested in learning more about how our labeling solutions can increase sales? Download our e-book, The Complete Guide to Innovative Labeling Techniques.

Great Lakes Label Innovative Labeling Techniques E-Book Download

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