The repurposed packaging for the Moana doll takes sustainability to the next level. On top of using 70% recycled paper and being printed with vegetable-based inks, it was also designed without tape or glue. This allows for pieces to come apart easily. Another incredible packaging feat is that it also turns into a boat! See the below video to watch this transformation in action.


This begs an interesting question. While important conversation regarding sustainable packaging and anti-packaging is happening, could there be yet another alternative?  It is possible to begin creating labels that serve more than one use and consider the customers’ values?


Ever improvise a spoon by using the lid of your yogurt or pudding container? This solution could work in a similar way, but done with intent and effectiveness. This would be smart labeling designed to improve your overall product experience.


The Anti-Packaging Movement

The anti-packaging movement is growing due concern over wasteful packaging and labeling. If it is possible to create useful packaging and labeling that extends its life, there could be convenience and value in this concept worth pursuing. Similar to reusable grocery bags, finding a new purpose for labels could revitalize this changing industry.


Heineken repurposed Label by Great Lakes Label

Repurposed Promotional Labels

One example is the promotional label. Using labels that double as coupons is an effective way to give your packaging a second purpose, and, this method saves on printing coupons then distributing them through other channels.  This method is good for the consumer since it is more environmentally friendly, and is good for the brand considering the cost-effective marketing strategy. Who doesn’t like a win-win solution?


The Future

It doesn’t end here! Besides an extra constructible children’s toy and a voucher, there are unlimited opportunities for creating smarter, more sustainable packaging.  Create reusable products, such as a growler, to keep your branding relevant in this ever-changing, and greener world.


See our labeling techniques, including promotional labels, in person. Request free samples to be sent straight to your door.

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