Plant motifs are a common thread in food and drink packaging. Take a look at how these design concepts use flexographic and digital label printing.  Use it for your own designs to create something unique.

Village olive oil labels with plant motifs Designed by Luís Oliveira

Village by Luís Oliveira

Village Olive Oil With Plant Motifs Designed by Luís Oliveira

Oliveira opted to focus on the organic side of the product by incorporating plant and vegetable motifs front and center. The colors of the labels match those used in the graphics and it creates a clear difference between the various flavors. The craft paper look also offers a luxury look for the product. Incorporating foiling on the tamper proof label, or embossing on the brand logo would further emphasize the aesthetic.


Ecouine Wine Packaging Designed by Thomas Perrson

Ecouine by Thomas Perrson

Ecouine Wine Packaging Designed by Thomas Perrson

Designer Thimas Perrson used haute couture as inspiration for this packaging concept. As you can see, the large gold flowers, vibrant red waves of color and ancient East Asian art influence mimic haute couture trends of the runway. Enhance the luxury look of the product by foiling the flowers on the label and the box. This creates a cohesive look between the two packaging components as well.

Numi Tea Packaging Concept Designed By Carl Bisenius

Numi Tea Concept Designed By Carl Bisenius

Numi Tea Packaging Concept Designed By Carl Bisenius

Unlike the other designs, this Numi tea packaging concept uses vine-like graphics all over the package. It creates a general sense of a plant motif instead of a specific plant reference. While the other concepts we looked at focused heavily on one major graphics, this design incorporates the design throughout. Create tea bags using adhesive on the outer edge of the stock before folding it up. This strategy allows for embossing over the logo and incorporating other labeling techniques.


Learn more about what Great Lakes Label offers. Download our e-book, The Complete Guide to Innovative Labeling Techniques.

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